About Us
We pride ourselves on accounting for excellence . . .
What does this mean to US and what does this mean to YOU?
• Pro-active
We are pro-active. We take the initiative and the lead in advising first so that decisions are made and matters dealt with before problems arise. In other words, we anticipate what is required and act accordingly.
• High professional standards
We have high professional standards. Our accounts staff, who are either qualified or trainee accountants are required to comply with our internal quality control procedures. These are closely monitored which ensures that work leaving our office is of the highest standard.
• Busy and efficient office
We are a busy and efficient office. We continually prioritise the work in order to provide a fast track response when this is needed. We believe that our turnaround time is exceptional.
• Approachable and available
Our partners and staff are approachable and available. We work closely with our clients and their staff, encouraging them to be in regular contact with us. Our clients recognise the benefit of our availability and response time. Advice given at an early stage pays dividends later.
We are part of your team of business advisors and are available throughout the year.
• Co-operation, communication and commitment
Co-operation, communication and commitment by clients will ensure that time spent and our fees are kept to a minimum. Clients expect a reasonable response time from us and we in turn expect the same commitment from our clients. This communication provides the link to our pro-active approach. With this co-operation, the momentum is maintained and additional time and costs are reduced.
• Information Technology
We use the latest information technology including accounting and taxation software. (Caseware / IRIS Payroll / Digita Personal Taxation / QuickBooks Online / Share Register). We practise from modern, air-conditioned offices and embrace cloud based software where possible.
• Knowledge and experience
Our staff and partners have the knowledge and experience to provide a competent and professional service that will meet your requirements. We recognise that a different philosophy is required when dealing with professionals, partnerships, corporations and individuals. We recognise the importance of obtaining specialist advice when necessary, including briefing tax counsel for specialist tax advice, instructing VAT specialists and attending VAT tribunals. We liaise with our clients’ solicitors on purchase, sale, partnership agreements and generally.
• Cost effective professional advice
We have short lines of communications and our strength is providing practical advice which is professional and cost effective.
Baginsky Cohen, 930 High Road, London, N12 9RT
t: +44 (0)20 8343 8080 | e: 4excellence@baginskycohen.com